Author has written 49 stories for Romance, Friendship, Life, Fantasy, General, Love, Horror, Politics, Family, and Nature. If you want to know things about me, here ya go. it's not much but it'll do. and if you want me to read some of your stuff, I promise I'll try, it's just that I'm actually getting a life, wow, I know, so it may take me a while. I highly recommend that you read the stories on my favs. They're great. granted not all the great stories I read are on there but the ones I deemed re-readable are. POET'S APOLOGY Like most artists and writers as I learn and perfect my art I look back at older pieces that I have created and shake my head with the sentiment "Good God why!?" I want to go ahead and state this for all new and old readers that I am unimpressed with my older work and that I am more or less disgusted with it (in all honesty). I would in fact delete my fiction except for my short story (and my baby!) Follow Your Heart, but for some reason that I fail to comprehend people seem to enjoy them and my more (and completely) angst ridden poetry. I just don't have the heart to get rid of them if people actually like them and read them even if I don't. So I just wanted to post an apology for the quality (or lack-there-of) and the darkness of my earlier works and urge people to read my newer pieces and review them because I'm trying to compile a book of poetry for hopeful publication and any and all suggestions and comments are welcome and urged. QUOTES~~ "Death is more universal then life; everyone dies but not everyone lives." ~A. Sachs "The history of our race, and each individual's experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal." ~Mark Twain ~Mel |
beautifuletdown (0) BellezAzul (13) C. N. Sweatt (2) Celestial Sailor (92) daphnegray78 (81) glitterjewele (8) godsjoke1 (39) hopes4love (0) | JD Allen (2) LadyBrigid (3) Luciana-Malfoy (16) M.B.Wade (6) Maeven (4) MandyHubbard (5) Master of the Chimps (27) | Never Knows Best (11) ochibichan (1) Onion Ring (6) Princess Sparkles (10) Snow Tears (0) StarryFIF2 (9) Theallpowerfull (76) TheBrokenWanderer (229) |