Author has written 129 stories for Manga, Song, Mythology, Fantasy, Spiritual, Fable, Romance, General, Young Adult, Humor, Love, Life, Essay, Work, Politics, General, Friendship, Humor, and Family. 20male I like writing fantasy, young adult, and anything else I can think of. Stories include: Nomadic Diga:SAND--My oldest and the story I come back to the most but never finish writing in prose form. It is finished though, and all in script format. I need to get to writing the novel forms though. There are 15 chapters (books of varying length, from 50-100s) and there are four side-stories, but I am thinking of making another side-story. There are also several AUs. Singing in My Sleep--What I consider my first novel because it's the first story I finished writing in fully prose novel form. It's a contemporary story about a young male named Samuel Watterson, and at the same time, if not more, about a young female named Emma Riber. The two characters are friends of an unknown level, and enjoy simple and complicated lives. Along the way Sam learns to change and come to realizations that are common to people at the age of 20-21. McDonald's Girl--Novella about a young man, and his possible fetish for uniformed girls. About 100 pages; 10 chapters. Listen, think and receive: Third novel of the 1st POV persuasion. About a love rectangle, and a young male growing up, finding his path, and his avoidance of love and crushes because these are the things he most unconciously fears. Lovers in a Dangerous Time: Short story about names, even if you don't get that. It's about people who need to come to terms with their names, or at least their names stand for their personality, or at least their reactions to their names stand for their personas. I'm Not Quite Sure I live Here (because i'm not quite sure where here is): My newest novel. I nickname it "Some Fantastic" after the song by the Barenaked Ladies, I suggest you do too because that regular title is much too long to say. This is a book about boardwalks and change and desperate measures...and being beaten up in every way when in love, which is pretty much every one of my stories. Then there are some other various stories and some poems which I don't have the time to comment upon, and why should I? |