Author has written 3 stories for General, and Romance. Ladies and jellyfish, Reptiles and Crocodiles,I come before you to sit behind you, And tell you things I know nothing about. This Thursday is Good Friday, and We will be having a women's meeting For men only. ~Weird little bit I found in a sticker book. Thought it was cute. Anyways. . . I'm not here to tell you about my life, I'm here to wrap you in my world by you reading my fantablous (yes, that is a word, I'd tell you to go look it up but it can only be found in the dictionary in my head) stories. I finally got 'And Life Goes On' back up. And Enna and I have finally posted Sonrisas. I finally posted my other story, hope you like it. I'm working on Life agian, and posted an extra long chapter to make you all happy. Go check out my sis Enna's profile. Enna: YAAAAAAY! Free advertising! |