Author has written 21 stories for Family, Love, Romance, Humor, War, Essay, Biography, Nature, Horror, School, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, and Haiku.
Some people genuinely annoy me. If I say I hate someone or something, don't get all preachy and try to convince me otherwise.
I hate:
My old speech teacher.
About 35% of my family members.
stupid f*ing morons.
The sun.
Conselors messing up my schedule.
Teachers who make up or arbitarily enforce rules for the sake of getting students they don't like in trouble.
dress codes.
alarm clocks.
dull knives.
The fashion police.
being 15.
living at my house.
Most preps.
lawn mowers.
Feeling alone while surrounded by people.
vending machines that steal my money.
people who like to say that Yu-Gi-Oh is evil.
Bad grades.
Teachers that give bad grades to students who work hard to learn the crap that they dish out.
Drinking sodas that have gone flat.
Mint-chocolate flavor anything.
patriotic songs.
The Nick Jr. show: "Face".
stretch marks.
ripped pants.
Willie Hafford.
Washing dishes at work.
people turning off the lights while I'm still in the room.
The list goes on.
The meaning of life is the key of A minor. Don'tcha think?
Hey, by the way, I just wanted to say to you all: if life gives you lemons, take a cold shower. If fanfiction gives you lemons, talk to the author before you report them!
I speak from my soul.
So when you say you like my writing.
You say something very special.