Author has written 2 stories for Romance. "We're in a bit of a decadent spiral, aren't we?" This is what is going on: Digital Love: Chapter 17 (updated sometime in December) This is what I'm going to say: I wrote Digital Love when I was like, fourteen (yes, two whole years ago! Look how old I'm acting- it's so cute and percocious.) so it's mostly fluff. Get over it.Don't look for meaning and enlightenment. It's two total dorks making out. Smile and nod and enjoy it like the fangirl you know you are. I'm going to be slow to finish this because I kind-of-sort-of forgot all the characters and what was going to happen. Something Must Break is gone. Wanna know the ending? Geoff kills Rijn- AND HIMSELF. Oh-ho-ho, THE GORE. I'm doing something different with A Perfect Sonnet. I want it to not suck. I'm pleased up until chapter four until I went into quasi-suck mode, but, it happens. I suck a lot-I'm good at it. So, there it is. I'm not posting my personal screen name or website anymore because I know people in real life using Fiction Press and that slightly peturbs me. E-mail me if you feel so inspired to IM me. Because I like hearing from people. Oh, and what is the DEAL with the new FictionPress spacing? wtfplzomgkthanx??!?!?!11one |