Heeey everybody. my penname: wingnuts. i like: pizza. music i like: punk rock...white stripes r my faaavorites. books i like: anything by s e hinton...robert frost fav. quote: "like a monkey!" haha chantelevision... i used to have a different penname but i decided id take all my stuff down...and now i write stories instead of poetry. :/ i dont have anything posted yet...BECAUSE MY STUPID SISTER FRIED MY COMPUTER AND THE STORY I WAS WRITING WAS ON THERE KKKKEEEEELLLLYYYY!!!!! people i like: legless from lord of the rings...sry if i spelled it wrong. other people i like: tom cruise stuff i like to do: rollerblade, play the piano appearance: blondish hair, greyish blue eyes...my eyes are really light. um...im 5'5 and 124 lbs...i have the most awesome shoes in the world...go to http:///weird/noodlesrcool/noodlesrcool to see a picture of my cool new rad chucks!! theyre plaid!!!!! theyre so awesome...anyway, i mostly wear jeans and a band shirt...i love tsunami bomb (band) too. my band plays their songs, but we're not getting paid or anything so dont sue. ummm...mmmm donuts!! boston creme! with sprinkles! u know what im talking about...well ...maybe not... i sing in my cool rad band called the fruitcakes...well actually i think it myt b solitary confinement but could someone please tell me if thats already a band name? i like...pizza i like...pepsi i like...donuts i am...13 yrs old i am...a female i like...nachos i like...rollerblading i like...my cool new rad chucks i like...rob lowe in the outsiders...b4 he became a sicko maniac thing that video tapes his g/f's and him... i like...music i like...to play the piano...ive been playing 4 about 9 years now. is this the longest bio you've ever seen or what? im a cucumber! please dont take me to the pickle farm bump! "when your in a little room, |
angelwings1331 (4) |