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Joined 08-10-03, id: 369218
Heeey everybody.

my penname: wingnuts.

i like: pizza.

music i like: punk rock...white stripes r my faaavorites.

books i like: anything by s e hinton...robert frost

fav. quote: "like a monkey!" haha chantelevision...

i used to have a different penname but i decided id take all my stuff down...and now i write stories instead of poetry. :/ i dont have anything posted yet...BECAUSE MY STUPID SISTER FRIED MY COMPUTER AND THE STORY I WAS WRITING WAS ON THERE KKKKEEEEELLLLYYYY!!!!!

people i like: legless from lord of the rings...sry if i spelled it wrong.

other people i like: tom cruise

stuff i like to do: rollerblade, play the piano

appearance: blondish hair, greyish blue eyes are really light. 5'5 and 124 lbs...i have the most awesome shoes in the world...go to


to see a picture of my cool new rad chucks!! theyre plaid!!!!! theyre so awesome...anyway, i mostly wear jeans and a band shirt...i love tsunami bomb (band) too. my band plays their songs, but we're not getting paid or anything so dont sue.

ummm...mmmm donuts!! boston creme! with sprinkles! u know what im talking about...well ...maybe not...

i sing in my cool rad band called the fruitcakes...well actually i think it myt b solitary confinement but could someone please tell me if thats already a band name?


i like...pepsi

i like...donuts

i am...13 yrs old

i am...a female

i like...nachos

i like...rollerblading

i cool new rad chucks

i like...rob lowe in the outsiders...b4 he became a sicko maniac thing that video tapes his g/f's and him...


i play the piano...ive been playing 4 about 9 years now.

is this the longest bio you've ever seen or what?

im a cucumber! please dont take me to the pickle farm bump!

"when your in a little room,
and you're workin' on something good,
But if it's really good,
You're gonna need a biggger room,
And when you're in the bigger room,
You might not know what to do,
You might have to think of how you
got started sittin' in that little room
-white stripes!!!

Sitting Here by angelwings1331 reviews
Sometimes, there are those people in life you know you can never have...>:|
Poetry: Love - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 85 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 1 - Published: 7/22/2003