Author has written 1 story for General. About moi: Name: ...None of you need to know it. I have this paranoia that if I even tell you my first name, it will aid in stalking. Age: don't need to know this either. However, I'm not allowed to drink as of yet, so...obviously, I would be under 18. Being under 18, I still go to school. High school, if anyone was wondering, not primary. Nationality: Not French. No, I am but Chinese. As there a gazillion million other Chinese people in the world, I have no qualms about giving this piece of information to you. Also, being chinese, this would give you a pretty good idea of my basic physical description. Height: 163 point something...which to me, means 164cm. To all the feet and inches people out there, it's something like 5"4', or 5'4". Or wherever the quotation mark and comma go. Location: At home, in the southern hemisphere somewhere. In the world's smallest continent...or biggest island. In the city with the most population in that continent/island. For all those who still don't know where I live, it's Sydney, Australia. So, I would like to think that I'm a pretty normal person.Other people may tell you otherwise, butI assure you, I average human being.I'd also like to state that I am female, in case any people had the increasing suspicion that I was not. I enjoy all sorts of music, though they must be up-beat. However,I do have my quirks and I do enjoy the one-in-a-while classical piece along with say, one opera. The preferred music, though, is the good up-beat one that I can bounce my head along too. I don't really like slow songs. Can't help it. What irks me is how so many clothes these days fit and look good on only the most skinniest people. Honestly. It's so depressing. Another thing? How basically all female chinese celebrities have nice, straight noses. I hate my nose, so it annoys me greatly how all the celebrities have nice ones. I mean, chinese people are meant to have flat, buttony noses. But noooo...they don't have them. That, I do believe, is enough about me... Ooh!:Check out my favourites!!! I could write them up from the top of my head but there are just soo many though it would take up too much space and I'd probably forget one or two...Damnation to those who don't update but still...they're really great. =D I think the ones that haven't updated in YEARS are like...dead or something. *shrugz* Misinterpreted Love: Aah, my story. Originally, it was supposed to be based on my friend's love life though the characters are TOTALLY different, except for her own, but lately, I've just lost all motivation. I am NOT abandoning it, buuut...I just can't seem to write more. Major writer's block. At the third chapter. Hah! In the end, when I'm on a flow for it which WILL happen, it's just gonna be something totally different to her life, so yeah. Her love life has no action in it. But yes, currently on hiatus. Lately though, I've been thinking of another story in my head! However, I have to think past the first paragraph before seriously considering it as a "story". It's not anything historical. Purely modern, high-school probably cliched thing. Though I am thinking of ways to make it "different". And failing miserably. It probably won't happen... Peeps, I think that's about all you seriously need to know. If anything drastic changes in my life, I'll update this, but for now, Ciao! P.S: Homepage! Homepage! Whole group blog. Check it out!!!! We'd all love you! |