Euterpe's Song
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Joined 08-17-03, id: 370423
Hello all, I have decided to write my own shtuff... So yeah.

Euterpe glanced her fingers o'er her lute,
And lightly waked it to a cheerful strain,
Then laid it by, and took the mellow flute,
Whose softly flowing warble filled the plain:
It was a lay that roused the drooping soul,
And bade the tear of sorrow cease to flow;
From shady woods the Nymphs enchanted stole,
While laughing Cupids bent the silver bow,
Fluttering like fays that flit in Luna's softened glow.

from An Ode To Music, by James G. Percival

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

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