Prof. D
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Joined 08-17-03, id: 370427, Profile Updated: 03-16-12
March 16, 2012

I have been gone from Fiction Press for nearly five years and although I don't expect current members to know me, perhaps any older readers who are still around will recall Prof. D and be interested in once again reading some of my work. To be honest, my writing mojo has been lost for several years, leaving me a very frustrated and cranky author. An old friend suggested I come back to Fiction Press to see if writing for this audience will once again revive whatever ambition has since been lost. So we'll see.

Please allow me to make a few things clear right now.

1. Yes, I am the author of Smashing Poetic Raspberries and Love Piano.

2. No, I will not be posting these two particular stories back to Fiction Press.

3. Smashing Poetic Raspberries has been going through a very long, difficult re-write and will eventually be published.

4. No, I can't say when.

5. Above all, I write male/male romance stories that will always be rated 'Mature.' Content will always include language, sexual situations, violence, possible abuse and more. If any of this concerns you, simply do not read these stories.

I hope we may begin another fantastic relationship, my wonderful readers.

-Prof. D

"The play's the thing. - Hamlet, Act. II Sc. ii