Author has written 5 stories for Fantasy, General, and Romance. Pen Name: Piper Sullivan Age: 18 Basically: I am a semi-depressive, pessimistic high school graduate, pseudo-artist, writer and creator. I like to play video games such as Phoenix Wright, Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, but I'm not obsessed. Judge me as you will. I currently work at a windpower company as a marketing assistant (i.e. not going to college at this point in time). As an ex-anime fanatic, I still enjoy the style for what it is, but rarely watch or read what japanese comics/cartoons have to offer, mainly due to the fanbase and hype, which has overstimulated me over the years. I do, however, still draw in a semi-anime-esque style. My favorite style of writing is low fantasy. Perhaps I will post snippets of my projects. Loves Music: Classic Rock, Classical, Instrumental, Soundtracks, Alternative, Rock, Rockabilly Movies: Big Fish, Pan's Labyrinth, Memento, Lord of the Rings (trilogy) Writing Updates: Deviantart Gallery: =Raccuun LiveJournal: Ensnarement Aim: SnowieBrooke MSN: drowwning @ (minus spaces, of course) E-mail and Yahoo: unstrung_lute @ Piper Sullivan (aka Michelle) |