Author has written 7 stories for Romance, and General. "Goodbye soulwringing night. Good morning sinshine, and a fat happy day." - Keri Hulme, "The Bone People" I'm Red. I write. Want to have a chat/inspire me/discuss stories? Mail me. You could read my 'Favourite Authors' list too. It's all great stuff. Also check out my work with JMAin our joint account: Androgynously Poetic. Slash RPG! Come and join in the fun at Sheraton Boys' Academy. Set in an exclusive all-male English boarding school for only the rich with a host of varied, sexy characters, who knows what fun you'll have... Reviews by The Red Fatalities I want to start reviewing stories. 'Joy!' I hear you shout! Well, if you want me to review your stuff send me an e-mail (address shown above) and tell me: your user name (or your friend's! Why not share around) along with the title of the story. I'll drop by and leave some constructive reviews as soon as I get the time. I slash because I care. |