Author has written 25 stories for Life, General, Thriller, and Nature. i'm 17, and i'm a creative writer and a psychadelic poet. that basically means that i write down anything that comes to mind, that forms a central theme or idea. but that doesn't mean i don't put a lot of thought into it, because i do. sometimes it might not make sense, sometimes you will think it perfectly describes the point. that's just how i am. and i like it. i write things that you have to think about. if you send me hate mail you're wasting your time. i don't read it. comment my writing and i promise to comment yours. don't comment my poems if you're not going to even read them and are just looking for me to comment your stuff. that's lame.i don't like bad writing, but i like exploring other people's work, which is why i usually just read published novels, etc., not stuff on here.. but occasionally ill find something that i really like! just immerse yourself into my stories and poems with an open mind and enjoy! try reading "judith," which is my most popular work, and it's completely open to criticism and/or tips. i have an account on as well, my username is colorfactory. im looking for more friends on there so add me! |