Author has written 199 stories for Life, Fantasy, Family, Sci-Fi, Song, War, General, Religion, General, Young Adult, Love, Friendship, Haiku, Nature, Biography, Essay, School, and Fantasy. My stories are all officially on hiatus until further notice. Which could be as long as... forever. ANYway, read my stuff or don't. But if you do, puh-LEASE leave a review!! "Troubled Beginnings"-the only story of mine I like. ; Or if you're not into poetry or sci-fi, I have a few (almost)rants I've put up. They're something diferent, from what I've seen, so give them a shot. Here they are- only three, so it wont be too much to read. They're not even a page long, mostly. I'd also suggest reading stuff by: Taehl, Mors Rutilus (has she changed her name now? I think so... Mors soemthing.), Sael'ka Shadow, Rina Lyn Bae, and any of my other Favorite Authors. They've been with me for so long... Give them a shot. Also, a n00b here, Caladalac if he ever gets his Stories up. |
CT Moore (43) destinee ariarti (53) East-0f-Eden (989) Faithless Juliet (1061) Genai the monster (12) Ixipob (0) | Lee Byway (0) MorsRutilus (23) Osprey21 (4) Reily Yuy (1) S0ulSearching (59) | Storysmith (14) Taehl (18) Tring (27) willow-41z (1) |