Author has written 3 stories for Manga. Name: Sam 3/14/05 - Wow. I haven't really updated in forever. Almost a year, actually. I'm SO sorry. Its just things sort of added up. I'm sure you know how that is! Anyway, I started out fresh with a new series. I know, I know. I need to work on Spliced, and believe me, I will! Just give me a bit of time (Yeah, I know. I've had more than enough time. Just be patient!). 5/28/04 - Oh yeah! I finally updated! I feel so proud of myself for finishing the first chapter of Spliced! :D I might change the title since it bothers me, but that's alright. And for those of you who still miss SSK, I'm working on it! ;-; I've just been running out of ideas lately. But I've come up with a few ideas after watching a three hour documentary on Japan. And hopefully I'll update real soon as long as I make it out of trouble in school. Yep, got me a referral today I did. Anyways, I've updated and I'm happy. I'm out! 3/2/04 - Um yeah.. I'm WAY behind on SSK. I feel so bad, but I've been working on another piece of work at the moment. I'm going to finish the Prologue first. Then I'll start getting the 2nd chapter of SSK up. Gah. I hate school. I would have so much more done if there was no school. But I'll just deal with it and try and get some chapters uploaded by the end of the month if not sooner. Hopefully they'll be up by the middle of the month, however my life has been taking twisted turns for the worst so do not expect anything too soon. Not to discourage you of course, just forewarning. Toshi out! |