Author has written 11 stories for School, Life, and Love. 'Ello Guv'nor! Whot brings ye 'ere? hehe, Anywho, My name's Leazile. I'm 16, A Junior, and i live in never-ever land. (Fremont, Nebraska) If you'd like to know, yes I'm gay. (as stated in one of my Summery's) Well, truthfully, i'm bi. I have both a gf and a bf, and they're both fine with it. If you have problems...tough. ( much for making friends NOW)Sorry if my poetry confuzzles you, if you decide to read it. It has some really deep feelings to it, and some messages that are hard to understand. You know, I don't have all that much to say here, so i'll say adeau! (Read and Review, please...even if you hate it, i like feedback, it gives meaning to my life) NOTICE!!! if my reviews say "pause...pause...then my heart sighs" that means i'm truly moved and i dont' know what else to say. Consider it a high honor. |