Author has written 3 stories for Fantasy. ANNOUNCEMENT: The Way of Their World and its sequel, The Way of My World, will undergo a major overhaul. I'll be re-writing pretty much the entire thing, as I've decided that it could use a serious facelift. Because of this, I invite my loyal readers to re-visit the story and note its new and (hopefully) improved look. As much as I'd hate to delete the story entirely and start from scratch, that might be my the most efficient option. The characters will remain the same, though plot points might be added or deleted at my discretion, not to mention more details and world-building snippets to really make the work come alive. Thanks for your support, and stay tuned for the fabulous new old story! ~The Management Fantasy. I love reading fantasy. I love writing about it, too, though my attempts to do so aren't even close to the greatness of what I read. Still, hope springs eternal, right? I read everything, though I'm no great fan of romance or mysteries. Mainly, I read fantasy, a dabbling of sci-fi, and history. Historical fiction, historical accounts, whatever it may be, I am all about the history. Having said that... Oh! And for the Harry Potter fans, I started a HP fanfiction that I'm very proud of on this account...please read if you're a fan, and tell me what you think! I think that's about it. Other than that, I can think of nothing else of interest. If you must: 18, female, college student |