Author has written 47 stories for General, General, and Young Adult. "A rebellious girl is the spirit of that bewildered empire called the American Middlewest." -- Sinclair Lewis I'm not an Ice Queen anymore. I don't know whether to call myself a girl or a woman, these days; I'm going to be twenty next summer, but half the time I feel seventeen. Doing my damndest to get out of this fucking town, same as I was back then, and hopefully avoiding the detours this time. We've got all the drugs of the city but none of the ideas. Chronic runaway, bad at relationships, smokes too much, reads too much, thinks too much, ex-addict, cynical idealist (though I'm only cynical about money and sex), pretty much a walking disaster, etcetera, etcetera. Girls like me are a dime a dozen, but I've got this writing thing I keep coming back to, you see. Listen to some goddamned Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, y'all. You won't regret it. Vita non est vivere sed valere vita est. Life is more than merely staying alive. |