Author has written 4 stories for General, Family, Love, and Young Adult. Hello! Well, for whatever reason and in whatever manner, you've stumbled upon the page containing my poetry and prose, and even if by accident did this occur, I thank you for your presence. I do appreciate it, even if you leave no trace whatsoever of your visit. :) I am a 18-year-old writer who has a hazy idea of what he'd like to do when he grows up, but generally just goes with the flow. My writing focuses on little vignettes, little happenstances that help people appreciate their worlds around them and the people with whom they interact. The appreciation can be either positive or negative, but the fact that attention is being paid in the characters' directions can help people not only understand those characters, but maybe a little about themselves. I love details, and I love the little imperfections in people that make them so goddamn real. My philosophy is that Every story is true, even if there is no fact. It's why I write, and it's why I read: to reveal, and have revealed to me, truth. If you can reveal to me some kind of truth, then you have (in my eyes, of course, which are small and isolated) succeeded as a writer. A little about me: My name is Max, and I was born on August 24th in Lawrence, KS. I lived six years there, then twelve in Portland, OR, and I'm now going to college in Kalamazoo, MI. I'm greatly influenced by the music I listen to, so check out my Most Played at /users/Nestalgica. I am also a member of the art site , where my username is exactly the same as it is here. This website was my first love, however, back when I was thirteen and still writing absolutely terrible fantasy stories that I thought were the absolute best things since Harry Potter. Clearly, we all change. :B I do Fractal Art, which is mathematically-based swirly things that look fairly pretty. Some of my favourite books include: Spilling Clarence by Anne Ursu, The Wayfarer Redemption Series by Sara Douglass, The Stones Of Summer (only parts 1 and 2) by Dow Mossman, His Dark Materials Series by Philip Pullman, House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski, The Disapparation of James by Anne Ursu, How Soccer Explains The World by Franklin Foer, The Brief History of the Dead by Kevin Brockmeier, The Lost Years Of Merlin Series by T. A. Barron, A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly, and about a hundred other books that are currently sitting on my overstuffed shelf next to my bed. My AIM username is StarDrifter90 My MSN address is Nestalgica@ My e-mail is StarDrifter_90@ If you have questions or requests, feel free to ask, but PLEASE, if u type liek dis dont bother me k? k. |