Optical Goddess
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Joined 01-29-01, id: 39527
Author has written 1 story for General.
I am a married 25-year old female who likes a lot of hobbies: RPG cinematic video games, drawing, scrapbooking, cooking, playing piano, and listening to instrumental music (which I think developed from playing great video games!) I absolutely love the Cirque de Soleil. I love to listen to its soundtracks while I read/draw/write. My fave manga is "Maison Ikkoku", which I know isn't majorly popular, but it's so romantically funny! I have an associate degree as an optician and lab technician. My favorite video game is Final Fantasy VIII and always will be. I haven't really gotten into any other games since it and am now devoting all my previous "video" time into writing and drawing.

I also draw wrestling characters for my husband's bootleg sets for the game "Champions of the Galaxy" by Filsinger Games. Periodically I post a current drawing for my profile picture.

Current projects:
--scrapbook page of FFVIII--finished!! Currently in the fanart section at http:///anime4/nanaki1777.
--3rd fic, "Levers and Buttons", just finished!
--more FFVIII fanart to come
*Please check out my FF8 fanart at either RPGamer, , or /mangacat_fantasy

Right now my profile pic is an autographed drawing I made of a local indy wrestler named Eric Priest "Underwear Model". I was so happy I got a chance to have him personally sign it, I just had to put it up!

Lily reviews
Written back in high school, a comical non-humorous dramatic educational short story taking place in the wilderness, involves talking animals and flowers.
Fiction: General - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,754 - Reviews: 4 - Published: 8/3/2002