Author has written 54 stories for General, Life, Friendship, Song, Humor, Work, Family, Politics, General, Love, and Romance. hey, why not review? i'll return the favor. wink wink i'm not fully certain if i'm going to continue posting here.. but i will at my HOMEPAGE. i'm looking for stuff to host there... contact me if you're interested *removed some old stuff, working on making some better, and working on some knew stuff.. in the works: A "ginormous" thanks to: Amanda Ayers, angelicGrace, Arutha, BlaCk-SeOul-FiRE, bria3, BriBear, BrigidJ, Charisma101, Chauden Nemodi(love you babe!)CrUcIfIeD bY tHe DeViL, crybabekrizz, Daisy Decamps, Danielle Oaks, Echo Despise, E. Hisifithith,Emmytastic gal ,fRoZeN tIgEr TeArS, Ireth Palantir, irish lover, Lady Beth, Lumilee, MagzRL, Matt D, mjaw, Out-Of-Reality, Rikku Anayri, Rohwyn, Rosetifer, rustupidorjustnotbright, starbound-sadness, sTo1C, tragicallynormal, and u-will-never-know for puting me on your favorite list. You guys rock!! ...and thanks to everybody who reviewed! |