Author has written 43 stories for Life, Family, Religion, Nature, School, Love, Friendship, Fantasy, and Haiku.
Bonjour, mes amis. Hmmmm, well, let's see. About me. Well I've just started mysophomore year of (I know, boring stuff) My passion though, (and here's the interesting part) is acting and writing poetry. is a theatre major _ But I have to warn you all, most of me poems can be a bit depressing...just so you know.
Umm. I broke up with my first love, Lee, a while in like...almost a two years ago. We were together for about a year and nine months. Just thought I'd mention it since there are some poems that are about him/for him/to him/etc. There are also poems having to do with myhusband, Matthew, who I have been with for a little over a year. (He is currently stationed in Alaska for the Army...le sigh I miss him so much)
Anyway! About my poetry. Um, most of them are based on true fact but there are some that are just figments of my imagination. Cause as you've probably guessed I'm not dead (like some of my poems, which are generally in the first person, would suggest). And I also don't have a daughter ("Maybe Some Other Time"). I'm just a student ok. Matt and I aren't having children in the near future.
Yes well, that's enough for now I guess. Enjoy.
June 15, 2004~5:46 pm
I just checked my e-mail and I had all kinds of reviews! Thanks so much! I'm glad you all like my poems!
May 25, 2005~8:00pm update almost a year later..._...
I just thought I'd add the rest of my poetry to my's kinda funny though since ALL of my recent poetry is either about or for Matthew...and yes...I STILL miss him...sigh
August 30, 2005~3:46pm
Two more recent poems added...enjoy
December 26, 2008
Ok, so it's obviously been some time since I've been here. That's probably because I haven't really written too many poems in the last few years. Instead I've been writing songs with my band. Perhaps I will get around to posting them later. Currently, I just wanted to insert a quick update. Matthew is now out of the Army and we are now divorced. No poems about this, just a bunch of songs. We called it quits back in September of this year. In other news, I am now a second-yr senior theatre major and I graduate next fall (AHH! O_O). Dunno if I will go to grad school or if I will just move to Vegas or Hollywood or somesuch city where I could make a decent living. So there you have it! Oh, and "The People In My Life" has been added to...a lot.