First off, I want everybody to go to BlackHeart150's page and read "Remember Me". I can't get the link to post right so you will all have to go to it the long way. On the same note, when you're done there go to Elin Verrill's page and read "Light". The stupid thing won't let me add them to my favorite stories list because I reached my limit of thirty. News flash: I happen to have 45 stories on that list and the last fifteen were no problem. Whatever, just go read it. UPDATE: K so I've decided that a lot of my old poems are crap so I'm gonna take them down. Sorry if I delete one of your reviews, I plan to make copies of them before I take stuff down for my personal records. Also, advance apologies if I delete something you had on your favotire stories list. But I want my new, better stuff to stand out more. So go read those!! If you really, really want one of my old poems for some reason hit me with a review and I'll email it to you. Now that we have that out of the way... I call myself Rose Of Darkness 666. The reason for this is self-evident if you read some of mypoems.I am 16 years old, in high school and am from the United States. I love my friends with every thing I am, but in spite of that sometimes I still just feel so alone. I know - you guys love me - but yeah. I don't know why you do, because really, I'm not worth all that. Anyway, enough of me complaining. Writing is my life. Writing is what keeps me going day after day. My abilities are, in my own opinion, a combination of a blessing and a curse. I see them as a blessing because without my ability to express myself in writing I would have lost it years ago. Sadly, on the other hand, if it wasn’t for certain aspects of a tormented past, I never would have needed the emotional outlet poetry has become for me. Feel free to IM me if you want to, I finally got off my lazy ass andgot a screen name. My email I can’t post here because I am in hiding. Somebody who I thought was my friend did something to me a few years ago, and now if I post my email he will find me again and it will just repeat itself. And we don't want that. I like to read other people's poetry, but I don't read fiction too often. My favorite poems to read and write are freeverse, which basically means there's no rhyme or reason, just words. I don't know, I just like that. But rhyming poems are cool too. Songs are great, even though I can't write music to them for shit. I'll read pretty much any kind of poetry. I just really like poetry. My personal favorites of all my works are "Suicide Of The Damned", "Lost Whisper" and "Tears Of Blood". R&R if you want to, comments of all sorts are welcome. That’s all I have for now, so please enjoy these little pieces of myself that I have chosen to share with the world. QUOTES: "Hope is a thing with feathers "This hell that you're living right now is made up of things you couldn't control. But where you go next is up to you." "Every sperm is sacred, MY SOUNDTRACK: "Hello" - Evanescence |