Author has written 40 stories for General, Song, Religion, Life, Love, Friendship, and Family. UPDATE (July 3) New poem - "Not My Perfect" To describe it? I guess: If you love something, let it go. Update (June 7) New poem - "The Music" Tell me whatcha think! Update (June 6) - Just finished uploading "Just To Be" so please go read and review! Thanks! UPDATE (May 22nd) Sorry guys! I haven't had time to post cuz I've been swamped with exams and papers and college classes...I just uploaded a poem called "Baby, Like a Rose" but I don't like it that much. Please tell me what you think anyway... I hope to be posting some more soon. Love ya lots - SingingSpeechless Update (March 24th) I've been so busy lately I can't even remember where I've left off here. I've had writers block lately and so any creative talent I possess has been channelled (sort of against my will) into sketching stuff, so, for a while I took a break from poetry. But now I'm back (hopefully for a while), and I really hope you guys will read and review! Thanks so much for the faithful few of you - I need and appreciate your support!! By the way, guys...I changed my SN to singing_speechless. UPDATE Hey guys, I had some ppl tell me that they thought I only had one poem out there called "Miscellanious Chapters." No, I have now 11 different poems under that category in sep. please don't just review the first poem you see...they're all there! Please R/R thanks! Hi! Welcome to my part of ficpress! I write from my heart. A lot of what you read can be classified as spiritual. Stuff about me (if ya ever wanted to know): State: Florida My passion is music and singing! I love it! I have to have music around me all the time...and if there's not I make my own... I am an aspiring non-profit PR director/entrepreneur. I want to thank all my reviewers: Thank you b/c without you I wouldn't be able to keep this going! All your reviews mean so much to me and I appreciate it! Ok, you guys...I leave you with some of my fav. quotes: "The mighty oak tree was once a little nut that held its ground." "Everything is ok in the end. If it's not ok, then it's not the end." "If you give in, you'll give up." "If you won't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!" "Don't tell God how big your storm is...tell the storm how big your God is!" |