Author has written 7 stories for General, and Romance.
Uploading shite here all over again. The style has greatly improved, but it's still pathetically amateur. Oh well. I need to do something with my time so...
About the oldies uploaded here back in 2004, I still haven't deleted them... I wanted to kind of turn them "off" but keep them on that website so I could still read the good old reviews, but it doesn't seem possible. So just mind the publishing date when clicking on something I wrote! It'll save you from having your eyes bleeding.
btw you can follow my writer/fujoshi ramblings on twitter : @breedingpurpose
and on blogspot where I upload some fics (there's actually a lot of stories on that blog, but I keep them unpublished so yeah, it's kind of useless...?)
edited my profile name for privacy matters... the previous nickname was too well-known and easily associated with me ! *shame
Commentaire : ce que j'écris ne regarde que moi. Que ceux qui n'aiment pas ne perdent pas de temps à reviewer. ca tomberait dans l'oreille d'une sourde...
Commentaire bis : la plupart de ces fics ont été écrites il y a pas mal de temps. Et ne sont pas finies. Elle ne le seront sans doute jamais car je change trop vite d'état d'esprit. je m'excuse auprès de mes lecteurs.
Enjoy and maybe see you later... space cowboy...