Phoenix Sorrow
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Joined 04-13-04, id: 407951
Author has written 11 stories for General, Love, General, and Fantasy.

Heyla! Phoenix Sorrow here. If you have chosen to actually read this, I have to bow down to you. Thank you for that much consideration! I hope this means that you don't think my writing is too bad.

Here's who I am:

Name: Well, if you think I'm actually going to put this up, get out. I don't need stalkers reading my work. You can call me Phoenix Sorrow, or Sorrow for short. If you want to give me another nickname - that's not initials, by the way - be my guest. Just no initials. I can't stand that.

Age: I'm in high school. That's all you need to know.

Sex: Take a guess. I find it to be very amusing when people do that.

Looks: If you're this shallow... a bit on the short side, longish brown hair, closer to slim than fat, and eyes that change color but normally hang around hazel.

Location: California. Shoot me now. I'm getting out of here as soon as I go to college.

Reading. I especially like Mercedes Lackey, Douglas Adams, Brian Jacques, Diana Wynne Jones, and Philip Pullman.
Writing. I've been doing so (for fun) for a bit over four years now... yes, I'm only starting to let people read it recently. It's not too good, in my opinion, and I like my privacy.
Anime. I like Inuyasha, Kikaider, Rurouni Kenshin, Detective Conan, and Yu-Gi-Oh. A few friends have recently gotten me into Witch Hunter Robin, Cowboy Bebop, and especially Wolf's Rain. But my all-time favorite, which never gets dull, which I can watch no matter what mood I'm in, is easily Yu Yu Hakusho. (Don't like it? Sue me. Actually, don't. But you understand my sentiments.)
Manga. Yeah, sort of like Anime. I love shounen-ai. Fake, Gravitation, Tokyo Babylon, Until the Full Moon, Only the Ring Finger Knows, yep, that sort of stuff. I'm working on getting Selfish Love right now.
Drawing. I'm not good at this either, but it's fun.
Music. I play two instruments. As for music I listen to, I like rock. Linkin Park, Audioslave, Staind, Story of the Year, Three Day's Grace, The Offspring, Trapt, System of a Down, Barenaked Ladies, Dashboard Confessional, Blink 182, The Darkness, AFI... you get the idea.
Sports. My favorite to play is football. The favorite to watch is basketball. Hockey is up there, too. I don't go for things like baseball. It's too slow. I'm big on going fast. Really, really fast.
Dancing. Yes, you read that right. I try to avoid dancing unless I'm alone, since this is yet another thing I'm bad at, but it's fun nonetheless.
Languages. Yes, you read that right, too. I want to learn a lot of languages. English is my mother language. Damn. I'm learning French in school and know enough that I can carry on a regular conversation. It's just one of the oh, say, dozen languages I would like to know eventually.
RPing. Yes. I love it. Another form of writing, really. People say I'm really good, too. It's not good for my ego, but I love it.


Religion - I am an athiest. That means that I do not believe in the existence of a god, a goddess, gods, goddesses, or any other sort of deity. It does not mean that I think religion is evil. I do mock religion, but I honestly believe that the better parts of religion - such as faith - are good. Yes, there are things that are bad about religion - the Crusades, anyone? - but as a general rule, everyday people who practice a religion are no better and no worse than those who do not. Atheism means ONLY the belief that there is no god. I actually believe that angels exist. It's not the same thing.

Sex - Rape is bad. Incest is not necessarily. Love should be part of it but isn't absolutely necessary. Homosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality, pansexuality, whatever, they'reall fine. So is heterosexuality. Sleeping around is not a good thing, but frankly, it's their business. Cheating on someone is wrong but again, it's their business. No pressuring anyone into sex. I think you should wait until you're bonded in some way - not just going together for a few months, but years - before sex becomes a part of it. (If you love the person, it's worth the wait, I should think.) Yes, I am a virgin.

Discrimination: No. Race, sex, gender, sexuality, age, intelligence, religion, anything, NO. That does not mean that you can go out and do things that a morally wrong and say that it's okay because you weren't discriminating between people. You can't go out and have sex with an adult, then turn around and coerce a 12-year old into the same. Ongoing moral corruption is the exception to the rule. Those who are corrupt and cannot change are to be pitied and I cannot blame anyone for mistrusting such a person. I admit that I am intolerant - of intolerant people.

Anyways... that's enough about me.

If you, for some bizarre reason, actually like my writing, please tell me. Email me or review, I don't really care which. If it's bad, tell me that too. I love writing, but becoming better would be, well, better. And if you inspire my muse, I will prostrate myself at your virtual feet. My muse is very stubborn.

If you're homophobic, old-fashioned, sexist, racist, etc., run away now. If you hate depressing angsty stuff, you can leave too. If you like to pretend that cutting or eating disorders don't exist, you can follow the others. There tends to be a lot of all of that in my writing. And I did say to tell me if my writing is bad... but this does not mean that you can yell at me if you are a narrow-minded arrogant bastard whose opinions are so ridiculously set to bigoted views that you can't deal with the stuff in my stories and poem. Run away. Now.

Odds and Ends:
Random Quotes-
~Heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over
~Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial
~I don't suffer from insanity, I rather enjoy it
~Question authority, and the authorities will question you
~Time is an annoying concept contrived by linear minds
~I'm not as think as you drunk I am
~I didn't say it was your fault, I said I'd blame you
All of those are various sayings from shirts, websites, friends... the usual.

"Shut up! You're making me stupid!" One of my friends yelling at another one of my friends, who was discussing schoolwork
"I don't know what I'm doing. Wait, I know what I'm doing. I know that I don't know what I'm doing." Me, attempting to do my homework.

My All-Time Favorite Song List, for those interested (not in any particular order, just the best):

Numb - Linkin Park
In The End - Linkin Park
I Hate Everything About You - Three Days' Grace
Hit That - The Offspring
Until the Day I Die - Story of the Year
Anthem of Our Dying Day - Story of the Year
Echo - Trapt
Headstrong - Trapt
Last Train Home - Lost Prophets
Silver and Cold - AFI
Will You - POD
Like a Stone - Audioslave
Chop Suey! - System of a Down
So Far Away - Staind
I Believe in a Thing Called Love - The Darkness
Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional (This is the BEST SONG EVER!)


The ones withan asterisk next to them are ones I have taken down. If something sounds really interesting and you want to see it, ask me nicely and I might put it back up.

Les astérisques marquent les oeuvres qui ne sont plus ici. Si vous voulez voir un des oeuvres, demandez-moi poliment de le voir et je le remplacerai.


~~~The End of Mother Nature - angst, PG. a sort of strange, slightly fantastic (as in fantasy), thinly veiled message about the naivete of humans and how screwed we all are. "Finally, the day looms closer and closer, two separate dooms..."

~~~I Did Not Die - angst and spiritual, PG. Those that have passed on are missed, yet they are not unhappy, for their souls have been freed. "I am not trapped, my soul is free, it flies up in the endless sky. I was released - I did not die."

~~~Dance - angst, PG. well, this is basically about the inner self expressed in a hidden way through a dance. Just another bizarre angsty poem of mine. This one is sort of hard to explain, so... "A dance with fire, a dance with pain, a dance of white-hot hate - and when they see her partner is Death, they see it far too late."

~~~My Darkness Within - angst and spiritual, PG13. Yet another questioning of the soul and the truths that lie within. Sort of like Invisible in that respect, except that one-shot is worth reading, while this poem isn't really. If that's your sort of thing, you might give this a shot. If the idea just sounds vaguely interesting, skip this and go read Invisible instead. "Dark and light, new and old, the two sides deep inside - the second believes things that first simply cannot abide."

~~~Little One - spiritual and angst, PG. Someone hovers between two paths, one dark and one light, while being pulled from boths sides, pursuaded to go both ways by different forces. One of my better ones. "Come to blackness, come with me. Little one, do not flee. The dark and I wait for thee."

~~~The Fault is All My Own - angst, PG. This is basically a long one-sided conversation about, well, whose fault it is. The speaker is confused, lost, and takes all the blame upon him/herself. "It's not your fault. You don't believe that, either. I can see it in your eyes. It's not your fault. It's mine. The fault is all my own."

~~~The Fallen Angel - angst and spiritual, PG13. This is one of my two favorites (also see It Will Never End), and it dedicated to Lan Jian. A fallen angel is caught between heaven and hell, having fled from heaven's graces yet simply unable to survive in hell, being an angel. The angel wants to remain in hell, yet truly belongs in heaven. Caught between darkness and light, the angel can only struggle in vain to escape the chaos between them. "The fallen angel, winged in glory of darkness and fire below, fighting to rise, fighting to fall - but to neither can I go."

~~~It Will Never End - angst and supernatural, PG13. This is one of my two favorites (also see The Fallen Angel), and it is dedicated to BlackLilyArcher. Someone has been gifted with a spirit-soul, only to learn that darkness follows that spirit-soul. They fight together against the darkness... and the spirit-soul and her counterpart learn of the consequences of having a dark past. "They took her away, my new-gifted soul, my spirit, free, wild, strong - and as I watched her, and she watched me, they slew her, painful and long."

~~~Flames - angst and romance, PG. Someone has waited for the loved one to return. And return the beloved did - only to find that the other had changed, had been watching and waiting, not out of love, but out of something much darker. "Your eyes are watching. I back away. You're still watching. But your eyes - what happened? I see flames in your eyes, raging flames. Ready to devour me, ready to eat me. To Kill Me."

~~~Let Me Fall - angst, PG13. Dedicated to Sterces, for inspiring this poem. In both night and day, some things remain unknown. Blood and tears flow, yet despite all the pain in those two, they remain unseen. And even if sins are not known to any but the sinner, it is still known to that one person. "In the dark, in the night, no one knows the crystal tears, no one knows the crimson blood - let me fall."

~~~The Death of One - angst and tragedy, PG13. Dedicated to Faerunner. Death took someone's life one night, and the sense of Death spreads to all who are close to him. However, his loving family is not so perfect - and when someone dies, the others live on. "My graceful lover died today, his brightful life is done, my light in him is lost to dark - it was the Death of One."

~~~Blurred - angst and spiritual, PG. We all hear things about the darkness of evil and the light of good, of the Gates into Heaven and Hell, and of the thin line between love and hate. But what if they were all lies? What if the Gates to Heaven and Hell were so similar as to lead people into the wrong afterlife? What if darkness and light really were not mortal enemies? And what if the line between love and hate were not so thin and defined? "You oft hear lies about the line that lies twixt love and hate, and of the similarities twixt hell and heaven's gate, you hear the lies that classify the darkness and the light - but truth to tell, there are no lines that lie within such sight."

~~~Shattered - angst and spiritual, PG. Dedicated to Katrina Kadabra and Simple Enigma. A fallen angel is a being that falls from light into darkness. But such a fall breaks the angel, destroying everything it once was and turning darkness into its future. Such a fall ruins the angel, and it is no longer an angel, for everything it has known has been shattered. "The dying angel crashes, the beauty falls from grace, a broken, torn wing thrashes, the end the broken angel has to face."

~~~I Can See the Clock From Here - angst and spiritual, PG13. We, as humans, are imperfect. And we have been living imperfect lives in an imperfect world. So it's our fault that Hell is going to destroy it. We made mistakes. We can do nothing. And Hell will rule over the Earth - and we have little time left in this world as we know it. In fact, the end is close enough that the hours can be counted down. "We will never feel again, never hate, nor love, nor fear, this will happen soon tonight - I can see the clock from here."

~~~So Said He - supernatural, PG. The world was not as it is now. Once everything was different, once everyone was a stranger - and only one knows it. "Black day, white night, cold sun in icy bite, black day, white night - so said he."

~~~The Vale of the Wolves - fantasy and drama, PG. A cycle exists between men and all other animals. The man rules over his fellow creatures, ruling as master over his slaves. The animals have no choice but to bow down to him. Yet even the seemingly obliging creatures of the vales can lose patience - and even the seemingly powerless animals may rise up against their tormentors. And in the end, what else can man do? "The animals of vales watch him go, and they bow as he goes past, then stare with hateful, glinting eyes, as his reign seems to always last."

~~~Angel Ashes - angst and spiritual, PG. Wow, I tend to have a lot of these, don't I? Hell's demons and fire have leapt up into Heaven, destroying Heaven and killing the angels that are its denizens. But more than that, the darkness of Hell has tainted all that is Heaven - the angels, their light, their joy - and has darkened the skies. "Razing down their feathered wings, Hell ignores the angels' cries, killing off the angels' joy, tainting angel light with lies."

~~~Stranger - PG, spiritual. Look closer. Look deeper. You will see more. Joy hides behind the darkness just as truth hides behind the lies. Even if you seek answers in a stranger, they can be found - if you look deeper and deeper still. "When I look deep within a stranger's eyes, boundless twists and turns do me surprise, thoughts and elements to they comprise, And I see truth through all the darkest lies, as I look deep within a stranger's eyes."

~~~Dear Apathy - G, general. Disinterest is more than it appears. Lack of care can hide a deeper truth. Even seeming innocent, apathy can lead to other things otherwise concealed. "And for response I'll show you my one friend - Dear Apathy.

~~~Hindsight - PG, general. Bad things happen. It's a fact of life. But when you look back at it, you see how things played out... how one thing led to the next... how obvious it all was. You could have stopped it. But you can't. It's too late. Hindsight can't save you now. "Eyes in hindsight do the farthest reach, when wits or wisdom never dare to teach, or those with greatest
knowledge dare not preach."

~~~Cagèd - PG, angst and spiritual. An angel has been captured... tortured... yet his bleeding soul is still pure, still that of an angel. He bears no sin. Then one comes across the cagèd angel... and in a cruel twist of fate, both are destined to darkness. "The fair angel there is battered, he is cagèd, he is trapped, on he struggles, all in vain, all his true willpower sapped, within dark eyes I see pain."

~~~Shadow of Your Smile - PG, drama and angst. Sometimes the only one who can save you is the one you love. And sometimes it seems like you're too far gone."You cared for my torn, shattered heart with tenderness I'd never known, with gentleness I'd never had - this love for which I'd always yearned."

My Beloved Enemy - PG, drama and angst. Sometimes death at the hands of the one you love is bittersweet. Sometimes, it's all that's desired. "For both our sakes, I beg of you, kill me. Act now and end my life, this deadly lie, and become my beloved enemy."


~~~Invisible - angst, one-shot, PG13. Just your practical teenage angst piece about confusion, lies, wrath, hidden truths, sorrow, blood, and most of all, being invisible. "If something's invisible, you can't see it... Right?"

~~~Dragon's Tasks - action, adventure and fantasy, multi-chapter(exactly how many, I don't know yet), PG13. Your regular fantasy world where dragons, griffins, unicorns, and phoenixes are all running around with magic and tasks and schools and humans don't play a role. I am proud to announce that I had written half of this and had the rest of the story outlined before I ever read Harry Potter ™. Things get interesting about 20 pages in. There's lots of characters, romance, a few angsty points, a few fluffy points, and plenty of blood and cursing, all while our strange main characters are off on a quest. Bizarre? Definitely. "An outright lie. I have no reason to keep him alive, and he knows I might kill him, yet he lied to me. Well, this makes things interesting."

~~~Speechless - general, one-shot, G. I wrote this when this was the sort of stuff we were expected to turn in for class. my first non-angst! Our main character's family has adopted a little girl named Kia, who doesn't talk. She can, she just doesn't, and everyone in her adoptive family wants to hear her speak. Basically, what her adoptive sibling does to get her to open up and speak. "We're supposed to try to get her to talk, but so far nothing's come of it, so we just keep on trying. I dunno why Kia doesn't talk. No one does but Kia."

~~~When It Really Started - angst and drama, multi-chapter, R. Things can get really insane when you start questioning everything about your life. Things get turned upside down, and you get really confused - and then your life starts going downhill. This is how Skye's life is going so far. Whether it's her crushing on another girl, fighting to hide her bulimic urges, or lying to cover up, it's damn near impossible to live a normal life. "Yeah, I don't know when it really started... But I do know that it's been turning my life upside down since."

~~~Dance For Me - drama and spiritual, one-shot, G. "Dance for me! Dance! Dance, my love, dance!"

En Français

~~~Je Te Tiendrai - poésie, anxiété et tragédie, PG. Quand un amoureux est mort, l'autre a le cœur brisé. Mais on doit continuer, même si on est accablé de douleur. Et, à la fin, on peut se souvenir - et on peut vivre de nouveau. «Je penserai à toi, j'espererai que je pourrai penser à toi, je sais que je me souviendrai du temps que tu étais avec moi.»

~~~Je Vous Aime Encore - poésie, anxiété et amour, PG. Un ange est amoureuse. Elle ferait tout pour son amour. Mais son amour blesse l'ange... mais l'ange est amoureuse toujours. «Je vois du sang, le sang de mon amour. Mon sang. Le sang que vous avez versé. Mais je vous aime encore.»

If I haven't scared you off yet, I have to bow down and worship you. If you're here to read my work, I can only give you my humble thanks - in addition to the worship, of course. I also offer my apologies for the bad writing, the lack of editing, plot, character depth, and anything and everything else that may be bad in my work. I also have to apologize for the random updating and the fact that most stories will never be finished - with school being really hard and having a testy muse to boot, inspiration comes randomly.

If you actually read any of this, I can only thank you again. And again. Once more, I'll be thrilled if you like my stuff, so tell me.

Ja, minna!

Okay, I know I said I'd be gone. Well, I'm back, sort of. Have fun with that. ^^

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Promise by Redeemer343 reviews
A gay teenager enters college, having made a peculiar promise to himself. But his life changes once he meets a womanizing sophmore (who vows to sleep with 122 women), and new, strange feelings in both of them start to bloom.
Fiction: Romance - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 12 - Words: 96,645 - Reviews: 335 - Favs: 212 - Follows: 63 - Updated: 11/8/2005 - Published: 9/15/2004
The Curse of His Rose by roxy-babe912 reviews
Ever though about being immortal and controlled by Satan's Rose?
Poetry: Fantasy - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 204 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 1 - Published: 8/21/2004
Let Me Fall by Sterces reviews
Sometimes death is the only way out...
Poetry: Life - Rated: T - English - Angst/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 159 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 9 - Published: 4/7/2004
Angel's Song by Dear-Ophelia reviews
a portrait of depression, of attempted suicide, and of light
Poetry: Life - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 269 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Published: 7/31/2003
Eadoin by Edana reviews
(m/m slash,shounen ai) “A demon and an angel fell in love with me and condemned the world to death?” Eadoin is able to see spirits but when angels appear his powers are exposed & he realises who he loves - will the Destruction tear them apart? (COMPLE
Fiction: General - Rated: T - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 23 - Words: 127,595 - Reviews: 245 - Favs: 153 - Follows: 24 - Updated: 6/15/2003 - Published: 5/10/2002
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

My Beloved Enemy reviews
"For both our sakes, I beg of you, kill me. Act now and end my life, this deadly lie, and become my beloved enemy."
Poetry: Love - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 192 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 3/24/2005
Dance reviews
"A dance with fire, a dance with pain, a dance of white-hot hate - and when they see her partner is Death, they see it far too late."
Poetry: General - Rated: K+ - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 329 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 2 - Published: 3/24/2005
Let Me Fall reviews
"In the dark, in the night, no one knows the crystal tears, no one knows the crimson blood - let me fall."
Poetry: General - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 124 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 3/24/2005
Dance For Me reviews
"Dance for me! Dance! Dance, my love, dance"
Fiction: General - Rated: K - English - Drama/Spiritual - Chapters: 1 - Words: 362 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 3/24/2005
Shadow of Your Smile reviews
"You cared for my torn, shattered heart with tenderness I'd never known, with gentleness I'd never had - this love for which I'd always yearned."
Poetry: Love - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 234 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 3/2/2005
Stranger reviews
"When I look deep within a stranger's eyes, boundless twists and turns do me surprise, thoughts and elements to they comprise, And I see truth through all the darkest lies, as I look deep within a stranger's eyes."
Poetry: General - Rated: K+ - English - Spiritual - Chapters: 1 - Words: 216 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 1 - Published: 6/26/2004
The Vale of the Wolves reviews
"The animals of vales watch him go, and they bow as he goes past, then stare with hateful, glinting eyes, as his reign seems to always last."
Poetry: Fantasy - Rated: K+ - English - Fantasy/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 398 - Reviews: 4 - Published: 5/2/2004
So Said He reviews
"Black day, white night, cold sun in icy bite, black day, white night - so said he."
Poetry: General - Rated: K+ - English - Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 101 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 5/2/2004
Je Te Tiendrai reviews
«Je penserai à toi, j'espererai que je pourrai penser à toi, je sais que je me souviendrai du temps que tu étais avec moi.»
Poetry: Love - Rated: K+ - French - Angst/Tragedy - Chapters: 2 - Words: 311 - Reviews: 2 - Updated: 4/25/2004 - Published: 4/23/2004
Speechless reviews
"We're supposed to try to get her to talk, but so far nothing's come of it, so we just keep on trying. I dunno why Kia doesn't talk. No one does but Kia."
Fiction: General - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,971 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 1 - Published: 4/16/2004
Invisible reviews
"If something's invisible, you can't see it... Right"
Fiction: General - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 719 - Reviews: 4 - Published: 4/14/2004