Author has written 33 stories for Life, Religion, Love, Family, Romance, General, War, and Humor. This is ConquestRion from . ( What do I mean? Go read my profile there! ;p)Aside from that, I specialize in poems full of angst. I am a Christian. I believe that being a Christian, you suffer no less or more than what a normal human being would. But I believe that there is hope to our problems that seem impossible to solve. And that hope is Jesus Christ. Why did I write that? In case, you guys are wondering what a Christian is doing talking about sad moments. =) I'm also pretty young.. yes, it would be pretty surprising that I just turned 13. Since nobody expects a 13-year old to write quite deep poetry. Well, I understand life.. I am also a Filipino otaku, in case you're wondering. I also do accept questions and other flaming on my works. Which I will reply to. =) |