Author has written 72 stories for Friendship, Life, General, Love, Nature, Young Adult, Family, Spiritual, General, Song, and Manga. we live, not just for happiness, but to learn how to spread the same joy to others.singaporean, 15, aspiring artist, unsuccessfully trying to fund various j-rock and gothic lolita obsessions with art commissions. !! it's 2006 already. it seems forever since i've last been here. still on indefinite hiatus with my writing, and in the process of exploring different media and styles in art so my deviantart account is as dead as ever too. (gah, more alive there than here anyway.) school's wringing every last bit of inspiration from me, just like before many thanks for stopping by, i will try to keep my muses alive. |
Akalei-Ana (10) armatageShanx (1) Dark Child (22) | featherlight (21) forgotten-magick (131) frisson rae (66) Gleechumber (361) Laiqualaurelote (6) | moonarised polane (34) Sparlight (0) sweetspontaneous (26) |