Author has written 11 stories for Love, Supernatural, Religion, Fantasy, General, Romance, and War. Update: 03/19/08 Ok... yeah. I'm Hispanic, have long brown hair. Dark brown eyes,(natural) reddish-tan skin. I'm tall for my gender (female), and... yeah. I actually don't find myself very attractive... but every time I say that... someone hits me. -looks around nervously- Anyway... that's pretty much what I look like... other than my... erm... unique sense of style. Yeah... a green fuzzy and denim skirt comes to mind. U_u; I don't take crap from anyone; especially when it comes to my clothes. -nods- I have a, "don't mess with me" attitude, and... well... I don't know... I intimidate people without even trying. Really, I'm a nice person once you get to know me! But... apparently, I don't look like it. -cries- ...Do you think it has something to do with the fact that I look pretty stoic throughout the school day? I might look stoic... but... I'm just thinking. Believe it or not, there is constantly a million things running through my brain... most of them based on my stories and/or poems. Also... I'm a very strange person... and my hit list on my media player is probably one of the most bipolar ones you'll come across. _ Most of my friends are as strange as me... so... there's never a dull moment when we're together. Silly string and techno music comes to mind. Be jealous. Ok, my hobbies? Of course, I like to write. I would love to do such for a living... if not for the fear that I would never make it and die on some street corner from lack of food. ; Pleasant thought, no? -clears throat- So... reviews are always greatly appreciated. -nods- Other hobbies include... riding my motorcycle. Yes... I have my own motorcycle. It's awesome and I love it. -nods- Also... I love to sing. I was in the top choir in my High School. I would die without my play list. U_u; I dance, I sing, I write... what more do you want in a woman? Oh, right... looks. _ -shifty eyes for those who might hit me- -slinks away- Sorry to those who liked the replies posted here. I thought it was getting too crowded. Status- BloodChild: Chapter 13 is done... slowly but surely working on Chapter 14. Don't worry... I'll eventually finish. Forever Is a Long Time: On hold until further notice. Sorry. And, last, but certainly not least, my very first dedication... which will go on the dedication page of the first book I ever publish... if I ever publish one. To the beloved , Rosmary Smith of Skyline Alternative High School... thank you so much for your words of kindness and inspiration. Your faith has given me wings. God Bless. |