Author has written 24 stories for Humor, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Historical, Family, Action, Nature, Essay, Humor, Love, and General. Hi, and welcome to my crazy world. I look forward to your honest reviews, bad or good. Enjoy. BE SURE TO VISIT MY SITE ABOVE FOR PHOTOS, STORY ARTWORK, AND FREQUENTLY UPDATED PROJECTS I am a major fantasy/sci fi fan, but I also enjoy writing humorous or STORIES "Sheila & Nick" seems to have fallen by the wayside for now. Someday, perhaps... I shall type up the bits and pieces I've scrounged up from old folders and rekindle the flame. As always, I am continually revising many of these stories, so your input is appreciated even though I do not update often. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed so far! OTHER STUFF I posted my first ever (decent) fanfic on and it is a Homestar Runner themed adventure. So far it has produced a sequel and the third installment is in slow progress. Take a peek guys... I apologize in advance for so many incomplete projects but I seem to be doing a billion things at once all the time from video editing, animation, drawing, and RP-ing to graphic design, costuming, writing music, and delivering pizzas. I'm very A.D.D. so... um... oh look, a cricket! |