Author has written 2 stories for Horror. Heya... I'm a 23 yr old Oregonian living and working in London, England. I've started writing seriously again after about a 4 year hiatus! I hope to add to my collection here and look forward very much to reading and reviewing.For the mean time, I've mostly writing seriously on two pieces: Lance and Ingrid. It's what my friend Jo describes as "... a horror/BDSM/psychological story that is great." You can also read the Word version (better formatting) at my website... NOW FINISHED!!!Please R&R Also in the works: the first 7 chapters of my new short story, The Pact! The whole thing isn't written yet, so you're just gonna have to read it as I write it... sorry! -:^) Go easy on me with this one right now, it's still the first draft...I've been slacking pretty hard on this...sorry to all of you who have been following faithfully. Once things die down at work a bit, I'll get back on it...To be honest, there's a few chapters I haven't posted yet, but I've not quite figured out how to end 'Til then: Cheers! |