Author has written 24 stories for Family, General, Romance, Song, General, Mythology, Life, Politics, Fable, Young Adult, Play, Love, Fantasy, and Humor. If you're looking for a biography, you're about to be very disappointed. If you're interested in my writing, read on (or, even better, read the stories). The Starving Writer is predominantly an author of short stories bordering on poetry and poetry flirting with prose. Occasionaly, when inspiration strikes and time permits, these little bits of language may turn themselves into ful-blown stories, songs, and plays. But, just to warn you, the writer's attention span is far too short to accomadate the succesful completion of any long works. The pieces below, if I've done my job correctly, are both deeply personal and universal. I hope, if you do not find yourself in them, you at least get some enjoyment. Please, read at your leisure. This page isn't going anywhere. Thanks for your time, The Starving Writer |