Author has written 1 story for Sci-Fi. My writing isn't very elegant. I strongly encourage anyone to send me a "bad" review. I'm rather thick skinned so don't worry about hurting my feelings. Call me out on anything you want. I need the critisism to improve myself. Thank You. -ES I would like to thank The Mumbling Sage, and Freakierthanyou for giving me two! reviews! Thank You! Below are some useful links for: Grammar The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. /141/ Want to be a good reviewer? Take a look at the Checklist Critique http:///checklist.html Read the list and keep those points in mind while you read and especially when you review. The Thirteenth Skull is my first major literary undertaking. The entire story is written (on paper!) and is being typed out and its conents being re-written and added to. Keep in mind that this story is really under construction. If you discover any plot holes along the way tell me for goodness sake! If you are curious as to how far along the story is a good reference point is chapter 26. It is the anticipated half way point. My personal disclaimer is as follows; English is my first language but I am far from mastering it. The Thirteenth Skull My short summery smells like the Stinky Cheese Man. So here is a more complicated version. ~~~oO0Oo.,.oO0Oo.,.oO0Oo.,.oO0Oo.,.oO0Oo~~~ Gage hasn't had the easiest of lives. Nor has she chosen to overcome it. Instead she lets her hate control her. Now she's been black mailed to go on a sucide mission to Earth with a man who once tried to kill her. And to make things just a little bit more complicated, She talks to the dead. Which is why she was chosen to go to Earth. To talk to the dead and find the location of the thirteenth skull. An artifact that a underworld lord thinks will bring him the knowledge needed to control worlds for eternaties. Gage has to get over her past, deal with her present, and decide her future. Or the entire human race, and every other race in known existance, are doomed. ~~~oO0Oo.,.oO0Oo.,.oO0Oo.,.oO0Oo.,.oO0Oo~~~ 22 March- Chapter 38 as per request of FreakierThanThou as a Thank You for her review (You make me blush!) 20 March- Chapter 37. Haha, okay I'm like 3 months overdue for 37. So I won't make promises this time around. And as per a suggestion I recieved I will no longer be posting lots of chapters all at once, but I will try to post one chapter at a regular basis. 15 January - Chapter 36 is up. Very possible that Chapter 37 will be up tomorrow. 9 January 07- Happy New Year! Added 5 new chapters today. Remember I accept all reviews, even Flames! (Hey I'm desperate ;) 11 December - 2 new chapters. Now up to Chapter 30! I'm guessing the story should last about 75 total, if everything stays in line with my outline... 02 December- 1 new chapter. And to think I could have done some productive like...preparing for exams! 01 December - 2 More chapters. More on the way shortly. 05 November - 3 new Chapters today, with many more in the works. Updates might be slow until mid December, but will probably have at least two more out by then. 18 Oct 06- Two more chapters up today. I've got the next ten or so chapters already written, i'm just proofing and making sure that everything is still in keeping with everything else. So except more to come. 17 Oct 06- I added a few ;) more chapters. And I updated Chapter1, but not much has really changed. I also added a very short story of a man's last scrambled thoughts as he dies. |