![]() Author has written 10 stories for Romance, Humor, and General. U P D A T E S 2013. 07. 03 Anyway, thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy whatever you find here. :)
ONGOING WORK Danse Macabre SKoW Round 8 Runner-Up & Judges' Pick (For Best Awkward Moment)Sinful DesiresCOMPLETED WORK An Obsessive Desire Flash Fic (Response to Flash Me Suddenly! March challenge)Anyone Else, But You One-ShotDare: Stay Sane While I Strip Two-Part StoryGrays & Gays One-Shot; For the Tough & Dirty ChallengeNude Model Needed One-ShotSex & Flip Cup One-ShotVirgin No Longer Flash Fic (Response to Flash Me Suddenly! February challenge)A W A R D S Danse Macabre won Runner-up as well as Judges' Pick for Best Awkward Moment (Round 8) with Some Kind of Wonderful Awards! :) Thank you all for your support. I really, really appreciate it.
Thank you to everyone who has reviewed any of my works. I really appreciate the support. :) Also, I'd like to thank my two beta readers: VenaCava and Nota for everything they've had to say about my work. Especially with Danse Macabre. S2 You guys are absolutely awesome! If you are reading this now, hurry up and head over to their pages to read their stories. :D You won't be jipped, I promise. A B O U T Name: Mae (or MaeMaes) C O N T A C T |