Author has written 1 story for Romance. Hey this is Karla your limegreen writer! I'm trying to get a few pieces started so if any one has any suggestion they will be extremely welcome! please reivew amd i'll try to do the same. email me with ideas for a story anytime. I always like trying to improve my skills. family: my mom is an english teacher but i don't like her reading my stories becuase she doesn't approve of romance. I have 5 sisters. all of our names start with K . I am the middle child so i get beat up a lot. please read and review my stories! thanks karla Where I am: Houston,Texas,USA Fav Color: limegreen (obviously) Fav Food: all food :) FAv Writer: Margaret Moore, Kathleen Woodwiss, Jennifer Holm Fav genre: Historical Romance and happy endings Fav sayings: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot control, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."- Serenity prayer (alot more but i can' think and find them right now) thing I hate: when ppl hate my story but suggest how i can make it better. ppl who don't listen ppl with closed minds thanks for learning a little more about me and please READ & REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!! |