Author has written 22 stories for General, Horror, Song, Historical, and Humor. I am a beggining author who writes mostly angsty poetry (often out of sheer boredom), but with the occasional short story now and then. I prefer horror and suspense to all other genres andI think it shows in how I write, and what I write about. My current short story is A Winters Requiem, which I sincerely urge you to read and comment on, because it will never get better if i don't get feedback on it. Music That Inspires Me: Radiohead, Murder By Death, Logh, The Appleseed Cast, Arcade Fire, Minmae. I am on the favorites list ofeleven members! (Woo Hoo right? Well its a big deal to me...) 5.Niongi 6.x3Mishna 11. BlueDannyLew Thank you all! And remember everyone, if you want to make it on this list, put me on your favorites list! Well, you don't have too,but I'd like it a lot if you did. Also be sure to review because reading reviews (good or bad) always puts a smile on my face. And we all know how much you guys want me to smile right? Haha. Lets put it this way...I write more when I'm happy. Oh, and I also make it a practice to review at least one of your works (Often times more than one is reviewed) if you review one of mine. So theres a little incentive... Thanks for stopping by my little corner of fictionpress, and I hope you find something that you like. -DragonsDream |
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