Author has written 12 stories for Supernatural, Life, Romance, War, and Fantasy.
Name: Rowena Johnson
Age: 14
Real E-mail: gospelgothicgirlg_27@ * I HAD THIS SINCE 6th grade.
Sex: Female
Nationatlity: American Indian, Thai, Canbodian
Birthdate: 9-9-90
Color of hair: Brown/blonde/ chestnut
Color of eyes: Light honey brown
Complection: * I was white but now I'm tan
Fav color: Green, grey
Fav food: ...tuna deli from subway
Fav drink: Green tea * no sugar!
Family: Of six, plus me
School: John. F. Kennedy High
Grade: 9th
Sports: I paddle for the JFK paddling team, I play for the JFK girl's soccer team
Roll model: Aika Young, she's an awesome soccer player from Guam. Kick's big ass in the nationals! Coco, she's an awesome padder and I admire her.
Fav sub: None
Average: A+ student * DUH I"M A JOHNSON
Who got me started: My older sister Ruth inspired me to write
Hates: People who don't shower and don't wear deoderant. People who cant fucking drive correctly. Rabbits, Onions, and the color pink, yellow, blue, and orange!
Why am I telling you these?: People I'm bored so DEAL with IT!
About muah!: Well I have two older sisters, one's name is Ruth and one's name is Roong. As you all know the eldest Ruth inspired me to write, my younger brother Richard also plays soccer because of MUAH! My dad's name is Glenn and he's a sarcastic 8th grade teacher. My mom's name is Sai and she's a chef at Sabai Dee thai resturant. I've lived on Guam all my life and for all of you who don't know where Guam is, it's the little dot on the globe *hehehe* I write because if I can't be a brain surgeon I want to be a writer. I suck at punctuations *as you can see* and grammar. Bare with me if you can't understand my plot, setting, you know all the basics. Have any questions please ask me.