Author has written 21 stories for Love, Life, and Nature. hi im kerry,i live in tn...i love rock music and i love writing lyrics and friend lover_of_heartbreak got me on here.please review i enjoy hearing what others think of my 16 an im a junior in highschool,im the all around girl as my friends put it,i guess that means im give me the time and ill keep putting my poems out for ya to read,thanks for your time! kerry kind and please rewind...thanks! i always thought that was a good saying.. okay sorry ive been gone so long guys,two jobs isnt school!sorry to those i havent reviewed...i feel awful!i recently got published in a book by and i realized i couldnt use that poem anymore...and was worried that i wouldnt be able to do that with these.ive been working on an online journal for the public on im please stop in and sign the guest book.also our creative writing class is publishing a book...*hi 5's random person* so we (lambheadluver)and i have been quite busy.but im back and trying to make time for some me time...aka writing.thanks for everytrhing guys!hope to be back up and submiting again!SOON!!!!LIKE TODAY ACTUALLY!!!REALLY! thx for all the support while i was in hiding guys.:P kerry i appriceate the reviews ive gotten so far,and just a reminder...if you review mine then i WILL review yours,just b/c i can.i find it refreshing to see what ppl you want to read a hilarious poem about dognuts then you should look up lover_of_heartbreak...the title is dognuts.its in my favorites. and lambheadlover i love to listen to music,i find it as the inspiartion of all things...i listen to virtually everything so when you mention a song...ive probably heard of . i do good in school i guess,and im entering a beauty pagent in my school...and there actually are some cool ppl in it!no joke!im doing it for fun and tosee if just anyone can wish me luck. love is a big inspiration to my work as well..tho i seem to feel pain often,so i embrace it simply b/c it lets me know that i am human and im still alive.and im sure you will like this ? for life .why cant love be like buying cereal?feel free to email me...however if you do not put who you are and that your from fictionpress i WILL NOT respond at all,i will probably just delete the you might want to lable the subject...thx in advance.if you want advice on anything,like writing im also open.i dont mind b/c it gives me something to do.and in most likleyness ill be on on weekends..its when i have the spare time to r&r ppl that r on the just in colum.yeah i hope you all enjoy my writing,and even cunstructive critisim is r&r!!! |