Author has written 4 stories for Fantasy, Love, Friendship, and Life. I wake board, I video game, and I rule the under world, end of story. Any questions and you will burn in hell for stupidity. NOW that we have everything clear *high preppy voice* any questions? 10-16-04 THATS IT! I can't stand writting in third person for some reason. So all of you will have to live with the second person point of veiw. Using the "you,your" words 07-26-05 GUESS WHOS BACK yes, DC is new and improved, I'm sick of waiting for my favoreite authors to update so i decided to use my boredom to everyone's advantage, its all new and that annoying second person is gone can I get a hallelujah? 05-21-06 I'm sorry to my faithful readers who have stuck by my side throughout demon child but (don't argue) I can't find it in my heart to continue it. It just seems so immoral now and keeping up with the immorality would kill me. Therefore I'll add a few little peices to my poetry line as a comprimise and maybe if I'm really bored and you reveiw lots and lots on those, I might find it somewhere in me to try and create a new story. It'd be at slow pace of course, because being an experianced writter is hard to do and I won't settle for my kid's games anymore |