Author has written 61 stories for Life, General, Religion, Humor, Humor, Horror, Love, General, Fantasy, Biography, Nature, Essay, and School. Visit my anti-whaling website! http:///abolitionistsofwhaling/ Status: On favourites list of 67 members Submitted a total of 1022 reviews Total words archived are122,964 When people review my work, Iusually try to review theirs too (unless I'm too lazy. Which is often):) Favourite quotes: "There are only two things that are infinite, the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not so sure about the first." Albert Einstein "It sucks being human sometimes" Mepoindexer "For too long we have occupied ourselves with responding to the consequences of cruelty and abuse and have neglected the important task of building up an ethical system in which justice for animals is regarded as the norm rather than the exception. Our only hope is to put our focus on the education of the young." John Hoyt A little factfile on myself: Favourite singers: Avril Lavigne, Evanescence, Christina Aguilera, Kelly Clarkson. Favourite composer: Harry Gregson-Williams Name: Chantal Lyons Age: 15 (birthday is 23rd July) Home: Kent, England Family: Two parents, one brother Pets: Three cats, two Siamese (Elsa, Kimba) and one Oriental (Sooty). One goldfish as well which refuses to die...all my past goldfish had to have special drops in the water, anti-fungus drops, and they died...all I do with this one is feed it... Hobbies: Writing, drawing (strictly dragons though), internet (the best invention in the last 50 yrs), reading, more writing... Starsign: Leo (I thought I was Cancer until a month ago-some horoscopes say I'm one thing and then others say I'm another). Favourite T.V. programs: Friends & Desperate Housewives (It's hilarious) Favourite films:Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron - watch this if you haven't already! I don't care if some people say the history is grossly exxagurated, if you ask me, it was truthful. Anyway, this film is fantastic. Amazing music sung by Bryan Adams and composed by Hans Zimmer (THE film musiccomposer), amazing animation (combining3D and 2D). I cried several times. Two Brothers (I cried practically the whole time, it is a wonderful film about tigers, and they used real tigers for all the filming, plus the music is beautiful). Current favourite word: Tumescent (and I WILL use it in conversation when the occasion arises.) It is my amibtion to have a book published by the time I'm sixteen. Gothina is the novel which when it gets finished I'll try to publish. (Note: the version on fictionpress is the first and unedited one). I'm currently awaiting word from some publishers and agents about Gothina, don't worry my faithful readers, if I am successful you will certainly be informed about it. I would also like to say that although many readers of Gothina have mentioned the closeness of the novel to Darren Shan's, I have never read a book of Shan's, and Gothina is entirely my idea (plus I will not tolerate plaguarism from anyone else). My Microsoft Word folder is crammed with abandoned stories and forgotten poetry, but I'm sure other writers on this site have that. My favourite author is David Clement-Davies. You probably haven't heard of him, but he did two awesome books called FireBringer and The Sight.One is about red deer, the other about wolves (this is where my fascination with wolves started).. Please read & review my stories, everytime I get a new review I have this wonderful happy feeling inside! :) I have just finished designing my own website, and it is now ready for viewing. It's about my passion for writing and various writing projects. To visit it go here: http:///stories_have_souls/Stories_are_dreams.html |