Author has written 10 stories for Life, General, Humor, Fantasy, Nature, Romance, Song, and Love. Okay. Ew. I'm sorry I've been a lazy whorebag that doesn't like to update. I probably lost a lot of whatever fans I have. So yeah. I can't guarantee I will keep updating but I will whenever I have an inspiration. When the breeze is right and the sea is cool, I shall update. Knowing that, you guys should have an idea of how often I update. Right now, I'm freelance. I haven't really done much of Life As We Know It, Sucks. So sorry, it's kind of on hiatus. But I do have many ideas floating around in my head for potential better stories. Also, I am halfway done with a oneshot challenge I plan on posting. I think it's quite good, you guys should try it too. Well, whoever is reading this. I thank you for reading and I bid you goodbye. SORRY AND THANK YOU at the same freakin' time. xD |