Author has written 26 stories for Life, Nature, Humor, Love, Haiku, Kids, Humor, Religion, and Romance. Well, it is time for me to stop posting to this account. All this stuff is so fake. It stifles creativity, it does. If your style is truly to write poems like this: Navy blue eyes that glittered in candlelight Okay, great. But that's just not concise writing. Nor are those descriptions there to "move the plot along", as it were, it's just there to show how artsy and avant-garde you are. And the point of poetry, to my reckoning, anyway, is to say what you mean. You can say it prettily if you'd like.. But, in the end, you should have said it. And it shouldn't take fifteen words to say what three can. So I've decided to let everything I've already posted stay here, and you can review to your heart's content, I suppose...but all my new stuff I'm keeping. That way I can write the way I'd like to write. I truly don't enjoy pandering to my readers. Rather, I should write so that I get readers that are worth it, that are looking for something new and fresh and real. Peace be with you all. I truly did enjoy writing some of these pieces (and still maintain that my best works have been the light-hearted ones). - Angela Dawne - P.S. Don't steal the penname. It is registered. :-) |