Author has written 12 stories for Life, Song, General, Humor, Romance, and Fantasy. Name: Anni Age: 16 Hi! I'm Anni, as you know. My friends tell me I have a kinda weird, dry sense of humor, I like to read, run, play piano and guitar, talk to my friends...but mostly WRITE. I get random inspirations for random poems, stories, etc., so don't be surprised if some of my writing is kinda weird. Umm...what else...I love terry pratchett books, Harry Potter books, LOTR, and interesting poetry. I also have an account on that's under the same penname. "But...but why is the rum gone??" -Captain Jack Sparrow "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive..." -Petra, from Ender's Game "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." -Gloria Steinem |
aiur (5) arachibutyrophobia (11) Azure Volant (2) Maeven (4) | Myrika (18) Never Knows Best (11) Secretive (6) stroke in a can (4) | Tsukinani (2) Winter's Shadow (3) |