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Joined 11-16-04, id: 444307
Author has written 1 story for Romance.

Name: Ochibichan (not real name of course, but prefer to be called that. It means 'shortie' in Japanese since, well, I'm short)

Age: currently 17

School: CGSS

Hobbies: watching anime and reading manga (that's where I get my ideas, anyway)

Fav novels (they are the ones affecting my style of writing):

1. Flowers in the Attic (or else known as the book that ruins me. Because of it, I'm obssessed with the issue of incest now. It's highly interesting, and makes me regret for not having a brother. But I guess, I do have a brother, I wouldn't be thinking that way anymore as proved by my friend who claims that I will regret what I say about brothers if I have her brother)

2. Meg Cabot's books (that means ranging from The Princess Diaries all the way to Mediator, with 1800-where-r-u, Nicola and the Viscount, Victoria and the Rouge, The Boy Next Door, Girl Meets Boy, Every Boy got One, Teen Idols, and even all her historical romance books, in between)

3.The World According to Alex by Kathryn Lamb (that's where I got the intro of Sixteen and the biodata for my other unpublished story)

4. Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding (funny as hell but too the characters are too mature to my liking. I mean, Bridget is thirty-two!)

5. Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison (this book is a legendary! Too hilarious! The source of inspiration!!)

Without these novels, my stories won't exist, so everything is thanks to them 3

Sixteen reviews
16yearold Magenta is forced to get married to her lifetime crush, and now she finds herself [pleasantly] adjusting to a life sharing a bed with a boy. The only problem is that he might not be feeling the same way towards her...
Fiction: Romance - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 5 - Words: 17,112 - Reviews: 133 - Favs: 49 - Follows: 31 - Updated: 11/8/2007 - Published: 9/7/2005