Hello =) Name: Jay Interests/Hobbies: writing, youtubing, singing, surfing the web, eating, sleeping, reading (fanfics), drawing, telling stories, talking, etc. Likes: MUSIC (of all sorts), computer, tv, slash, food/junkfood (this is why I'm fat), languages, ice cream, reading, writing, drawing, card games, calculus, angst, college, the internet - yes it is so godly that it deserves its own category, and sleeping. Dislikes: fish, not getting enough sleep, losing the remote, when there's no internet access, homework Feel free to message me. Maybe we can be friends! :D Current Fics' Status Devil's Advocate: Updated 4/08/06 Crazy: Updated 4/13/06 Complete Fics Unfortunately none are complete Discontinued Fics none |