Author has written 8 stories for Romance, General, Love, Fantasy, Supernatural, and Horror. BOO! I was really cold last time I wrote this so it was kind of... depressing... at least for me! w00t ANYWAYS, so I decided to rewrite it! I'm thinking no one really reads these things cept for the people who are bored enough to write them ( envision arrows pointing in my general direction... scratch that, they're all pointing right at me!). So... do you want to know what I look like?! It's like people who put that stuff on here are writing a profile page for like a dating website or something coughdesperatecough ( I am VERY sorry if I offend you, I really, truly, completely do not mean to... if you like you can bitch me out over msn! if it'll make you feel better, GO FOR IT!). So... what about that airplane food. lol I just had to say it hehe ANYWAYS if you are curious as to who I am (you STALKER!) this is all the information I will give you: My name is... guess... come on... guess... I DARE you! okay, nevermind, it's Katie. I am mature for my age... just not right now lol, hey we all have our moments! and besides, this comment is based on a GENERAL view of my personality. I tend to be very opinionated... this was just recently brought to my attention by several people (it's like they all planned it or something, geez). I am very.. um... see, girly and hopelessly romantic work here but I'm going to go for something that sounds... intelligent... um... FEMININININE! That's what I am... I'm feminine lol I like pink . and purple.. and green... and blue... , okay scratch that I don't really have a favorite color. I like cats! . and dogs... and hamsters... and budgies.. and lions and tigers and bears, OH MY! My eyes are blue ( i was told blue is DEEP so I have to write it here cause DEEP is cool. like who ever swims in the shallow end anyways?) I'm sick... I'm insane when I'm sick... hence : the profile page. MY STORIES! Yes, I demand that you use fictionpress for it's damned purpose: make my stories BETTER. and if you flame with empty criticism I will track you down and imagine some truly painful death for you! Also, if you plan on criticising or giving me ideas, please Please PLEASE sign your damned reviews so I can ask you questions if I need to. (this is my most recent pet peeve... like honestly, what am I going to get from an empty username unless I know you personally? NOTHING, thanks genius) My stories are all in progress cept the poems, and if you care what they're about I have this super idea for you... READ THEM. Well yea, I'm tired cause it's late, so I bid you all farewell.. TATA Ciao Sayonara Dosvidanya (it's all for you andrew lolz) aw damn... i skipped out on the rest of y'all (i sound so hick-ish, eh? OH now i sound canadian) Umm... vet's are kewl. (that one is for cecy) Err... proklyatie kanadtci shtob vce poshli nahui! (lol like you can't figure it out!) Katie's kewl. (that one's for me.. that's right... you know you love me) Kiss kiss xox Bisous, You so Know You Love Me Katie |