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Joined 01-03-05, id: 452685

Updated 12-21-04

Hello. My name is Dawn, I'm 16 and I'm from California. I absolutly love reading fan fictions, expecially those involving Pirates of the Carribean And Secret Window. My favorite thing to do is watch movies (expecially on a rainy day, it's so relaxing.) and my favorite type of movie is comedy. I love having something to laugh at. Although, it is kinda of hard to find a real good comedy sometimes. Becuase there's regular comedy, there's the type that's so stupid it's funny, and then there's just annoyingly stupid comedy. And I hate those. And of course, I have a really odd, and a lot of the time, quite sick sense of humor, so to be perfectly honest, I could watch a horror movie and find it funny. Case in point, Scream. Granted, the first time I saw it I was scared (I was 9 at the time) but after watching it so many times, I can really appreciate the humor in it. Expecially the end, hialrious stuff man! But anyways, enough with the rambling, I'm sure most of you don't really care much anyways. Right, soo...


Favorite Movie: Benny & Joon
Others Include: City Lights, Lost and Delirious, In America, Mystic River, Ned Kelly(2003), A Perfect World, Top Gun, Fight Club, Big Fish, POTC, LOTR Trilogy, Pearl Harbor, It Happened One Night, Anything With Johnny Depp Except The 9th Gate, and so many, many more.

Favorite Animated Movie: The Lion King
Others Include: Beauty and the Beast, Ice Age, Finding Nemo, Brother Bear, Alomst Anything Disney, The Last Unicorn, etc.

Favorite Director: Tim Burton
Others Include: Michael Bay, Steven Spielberg, Ridley Scott, Peter Jackson, Gore Verbinski, Charlie Chaplin, etc.

Favorite Actor: Johnny Depp & Josh Hartnett
Others Include: Colin Farrell, Ewan McGregor, Tom Hanks, Hugh Grant, Jude Law, Orlando Bloom, Edward Norton, Nicholas Cage, Cuba Gooding Jr., Robin Williams, Geoffrey Rush, Joaquin Phoenix, etc. (Note that on choices like Josh Hartnett and Johnny Depp it's not just because I think they're cute!)

Favorite Actress: Sandra Bullock
Others Include: Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Brittany Murphy, Juliette Lewis (mainly just her earlier stuff), Keira Knightley, Samantha Morton, Mary Stuart Masterson, Angelina Jolie, etc.

Favorite Type Of Music: Alternative & Stuff From The 60's & 80's

Favorite Song: 500 Miles By: The Proclaimers
Others Include: Crimson and Clover By: Tommy James and The Shondells, I Hate Everything About You By: 3 Days Grace, Hang On Sloopy By: The McCoys, Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay By: Otis Redding, Love Me For Me By: Ashlee Simpson, Always By: Saliva, Tracks Of My Tears By: The Miracles, What's New Pussy Cat By: Tom Jones, Tainted Love By: Soft Cell, etc.

Favorite Artist At The Moment: Ashlee Simpson

Favorite Band: Maroon 5
Others Include: Linkin Park, Evenescence, The Beach Boys, 3 Days Grace, The Temptations, Saliva, Nickleback, etc.

Favorite Thing At The Moment: Puss In Boots!

My Two Cents/Pointless News On The Homefront

I don't know if I'm turning mushing with my aging years or what, but I've noticed lately that I've really come to enjoy movies that are not big time, action excitment, but are just nice. Nothing particularly exciting, but all in all just a nice story. Examples, Finding Neverland, Spanglish, Garden State, A Home At The End Of The World, Walking Across Egypt, etc. All pretty simple movies, but just so very touching. I don't know, maybe all the violence on the news lately and stuff has just finally gotten to me, but they are quite a nice refresher.

I was thinking about the movie Alice in Wonderland, and that is one trippy movie! I mean, going through mirrors, food making you grow bigger and smaller, the white rabbit, that damn cat! All I have to say is I would hate to be watching that movie while drunk or something... actually, that might be quite fun :)

I recently got around to watching some old movies, you know stuff from the 20's, 30's, stuff like that, and I gotta say, they really knew how to make movies back then. They're amazing. I watched It Happened One Night with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert, and it's so good. Definitly one of my new favorites.


Just About Anything Johnny Depp Says :)

"Before you insult somebody,walk a mile in their shoes.That way when you insult them,you're a mile away from them and you have their shoes!"

"I've have my heart broken before and it's not fun.But I rather have my heart broken then break someone else's heart." - Josh Hartnett

"Be careful,ladies they...cloud the mind." -Gooz( Michael Shannon) From Pearl Harbor.

"Sea Turtles?" - Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl

"Power corrupts.Absolute power can be kind of fun." - I forget.

Alexander Andrews: Do you love her?
Peter Warne: A normal human being couldn't live under the same roof with her without going nutty! She's my idea of nothing!
Alexander Andrews: I asked you a simple question! Do you love her?
Peter Warne: YES!! But don't hold that against me, I'm a little screwy myself! - It Happened One Night

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