Page Updated as of: August 03, 2009. A little Bio for ya... I'm about to be 20 in november. I'm weird! I live in the USA, in Kansas to be exact oh.. how I despise the wizard of oz, the books and the movies... HAHA! Yes, yes I am very eccentric at times.. well mostly. I have only completed one year of college and I'm going on to the next.. though I may have to wait one semester, things got a little off the path - probably due to my weird life and procrastination. You could guess which was the prominent cause. Anyway, I get all sorts of ideas. CLEARLY duh there's nothing here to read, but as I saaaaaaaid, it's coming, and it should be great! If I don't get pissed and delete it ALL.. which I will try really very hard not to do. AHEM.. But I'm an artist. It's what I'm going to school for. I love photography and painting and all sorts of things. A dreamer. And eccentric crazy dreamer artist... that'd be an EPICALLY accurate title.. = Hm.. I played the flute in highschool, and I want to start playing again. I also want to learn the guitar, piano and cello mainly..but then again, I LOVE learning, hardcore.. so I want to learn everything I possibly can. And to create! I just can't seem to nail my plots down, but I'm planning VERY carefully now.. well a very carefully planned general plot that still has lots of room.. you can't create without room!! No no. Cannot. Sooooo... I have been brewing for a few days and I will write as much as I can. I still do noooot know if I'll post chapter by chapter or wait til the thing is done.. well at least book one.. I wonder if I want more than one.. maybe (@_@) but I have to know what I'm doing.. or else it's like getting lost y'know... finding the odd-shaped q-tip with the rest.. okay.. you see! No sense is made of me at times, but thaaat's me! Well... ordinarily.. well I don't believe in ordinary.. Oh dear, I'm straying again. But yes! I want to write this and it's just for fun but.. I've had the idea for about 4 years I think now, and what do I have to show? Nothin! Not. Zeroness! Le sigh.. anyway! Questions/Comments/Etc to: Thanks! ~DruidShadow §Current Novels§ The Descendants: This novel isn't dead. I have recently been working on ideas. I know it's been a long time. And I promise that this fiction will be amazing! So please stay in touch if you love demons, angels... etc! I don't want to give much away. Thank you! Best Regards, DruidShadow |
Alanna Lioness (27) crossed Ts (0) | Deena (5) MageDay (2) | ThyLaSlain (4) |