Author has written 96 stories for Song, Life, General, Love, School, Humor, and Romance. Changed username from Silly Little Songwriter to Silly Little Storywriter... since I haven't written a song in about five years hahah! Hey there guys! I'm Brenna and I'm 20. I'm an English major at Canterbury University in Christchurch, New Zealand and I'm halfway through my third year. Location: New Zealand Birth place: England Fav color: Rainbow! Fav movies: Blade Runner, The Dark Knight, Donnie Darko, The Princess Bride, Sin City, Children of Men, Juno. Fav books and authors: Neil Gaiman, The Wind On Fire trilogy by William Nicholson, King Lear by Shakespeare, The Night Watch tetrology by Sergei Lukyaneko, C.S. Lewis, Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen etc etc Fav music: Pendulum and Muse are my biggest muses (no pun intended) at the moment, but I also like heaps of other stuff, like The Who, The Clash, The Kaiser Chiefs, Bloc Party, Paramore (sometimes), Coldplay, Snow Patrol etc etc. Dislikes: Spiders (big time), Twilight and all affiliates, love triangles, pointlessly unhappy endings, plane journeys, poor grammar and spelling, popular emo song lyrics inserting into the start of chapters for no apparent reason, mini skirts, high heels, overly complicated character description, ANGST, emo wangsting, overly gratuitous slash, overuse of Japanese names and words, Lady Gaga, PLAGARISERS!! Likes: Happy endings, het and femmeslash (I'm weird like that :D), cats, my nieces, flowers, books, kisses in the rain, well written love scenes (yeah, THAT kind of love wiggle eyebrows), brooding and kickass vampires WHO DON'T SPARKLE!!, existentialist theory XD, long words ending in ous, sci-fi by the bucketload, classic 70s rock, Batman, Robin Hood, converse shoes (any kind of flat sneaker like thing, actually). Quotes. Spongebob:We're gonna party until we're purple. We all know interspecies romance is weird - Tim Burton It's like finding out the greatest love song was written about a sandwich - Jane from 27 Dresses Note: For those people who I review, please don't be offended by me. The things I say are not an insult to you or your writing ability. In fact, I usually only give this kind of constructive reviews to those I believe have the potential to be amazing. |