Author has written 5 stories for Fantasy, Life, School, General, and General. I'm 19 currently attending ASU as a freshmen. //just finished that feels so nice. now I'm going to take summer school yuck.// goodness i didn't relize how long it has been since this profile has been updated. Well i'm currently in the end of my fall semester of my sophmore year at school. This is getting rather time consuming and difficult, but i'll manage. That is one of the reasons we have been slacking on our updates. I love to read fantisy books and some of my favority include Tampora Pierce all of her's, Lord of the Rings, and A new trilogy i'm finishing up called The Secret Text by Holly Lisle. //wow i really need to up date my profile more. i have been finished with that book for ages. I was good. I read another really good book called silvers edge by anne keller. she now has a second book out which i just bought and hope to read in to future. Right now I'm writing in between school are work. I am curently working on a book with my freind that we hope to publish, which is post under my other screen name J. AnnLouise, the title of the story is called The Kinghtettes of the Quarteralateral Table. Oh here's a link if your interested I am also work on some of my own projects which I hope to have posted soon once I know where they are going. Hope you enjoy the reading and never let your mind lose it creative edge. 6-30-05 Sorry i haven't updated in ages but im currently enrolled in TWO eight week classes and they are laying the homework heavily. On top of this they are hard classes calculus and digital logic design. I know sounds worse than it is. The classes get over on july 22, but i hope to have more stuff posted before than. Till then i hope to read some of your good stuff in what little spare time i have. Reading others writting gives me a reprive from the never ending homework. So shoot me an e-mail or whatever and i'll read your stuff. Oh and just so you people are awar i have a problem, i'm a bad speller from now on i will have my sister proof my stuff, but just warning ya before ya dive head first into anything. yes that is my weakness. but go fiure right i love to write. don't know how that one happend. Bye the way thanks reviewers for all the support it really helps to keep a person motivated even if it doesn't seem like help at the time. 12-8-05 AHHH! finals week i hate it. Ok during winter break i hope to get more writting done. clair_a_net |
Anna.Page (2) bebopshani (8) Bookgirl2021 (10) CabbyHat (7) | Elaes Mada (2) erpkewotjewt (5) God's Warrior (8) IndiRyder (2) J. AnnLouise (1) KatsProze (3) Kimra (16) | Malerie (5) Starr of Night (2) Tears of IceFire (8) Teshgirl (10) Tumbleweedr (9) |