Author has written 25 stories for Love, Friendship, Life, Romance, Nature, General, and Family. ~NEWS~ UPDATED ON: February 19th, 2007 Ok guys. So its been over a year since I've been anything close to active on Fictionpress. Much has been going on, starting with a few life changes. In the summer of 2006, I was in a horrible car accident, and severly injured. 6 broken bones in my back, 2 in my right shoulder, busted right elbow, broken left rib (which poked a hole in my spleen) and massive head injuries. I wasn't driving though!! Anyway, I am fine now, but it has been a long road to recovery. Thanks to all my friends and family for supporting me through this difficult time. In better news, I am getting married in March. A wonderful man (Chris), who is in the Army, is anxiously awaiting my drive to Georgia, to see him graduate Basic Training. Then we will return to home, and get married. I'm about to bust, I am so excited!!!! I love him more than I ever thought possible to love anyone. "Not Your Average Romance" will be finished shortly. The story has taken an unexpected turn for an ending, so please bear with me while I figure out the details. While I have a job, and I am a senior in high school, AND about to be married, I haven't that much time for writing anymore. BUt I will post what I have written, and we will go from there, I suppose. Really quick, before I go, I would LOVE to thank Chole Astersion, Eagle Seance, and darkaura de shadow. Chole for giving me amazing stories to read, and always returning the favor of reviewing, Eagle for the excellent story I'm reading from her, and part of the idea for my story...please don't ask me HOW you gave me the idea. I don't even know. You just did. Darkaura for being my bestest buddie, giving me good poetry to read, and reviewing when she has the time. I heart you!!! Whoa. I feel like I am writing a magazine or something. Thanks! ~SAME OLD INFO~(Updated on February 19th, 2007) Hey everyone that actually cares enough to read this. A friend got me on here (darkaura de shadow) and so far, I like it. I am 17 years old. I go to a public high school and I work at Pizza Hut Italian Bistro as a waitress. Thats all I can think of to put on here right now, but when I think of something else to add on here, I will be sure to do it. Faves: Colors: Orange, Lime Green, Baby Blue, and Purple (in that order) Books: Harry Potter, and any type of romance thriller Movies: Butterfly Effect, Just Married, Dude, Where's my Car?, A Lot Like Love(Pretty much anything with Ashton Kutcher in it) Oh, and I absolutely LOVE Where the Heart Is, with Natalie Portman in it. NAPOLEAN DYNAMITE!!! Even though it has no point. I also like The Secret Window, Superstar, Forrest Gump, and Fried Green Tomatos. Any Harry Potter movie...the SAW series. All I have to say to that is the person that created SAW is either very brilliant or very sick. Or both. TV Shows: Survivor, Passions, Heroes, Deal or No Deal, and 1 vs. 100. I love those TV shows that make you think!! Actors/Actresses: ASHTON KUTCHER!! Adam Sandler is freakin' awesome! Brittany Murphy is an amazing actress, I like everything she's in, Ashley Judd is an incredible actress as well. Music: I love music. It's seriously my life, I don't know what I would do without it. I like nearly all types, Gwen Stefani is my favorite!! I also like Maroon 5, No Doubt, Blue October, Fall Out Boy, Avril Lavigne, Eminem, Red Hot Chili Peppers, J. Lo's ok, um...don't laugh but Spice Girls...I'm really getting rap too...even though I normally think it's pointless and stupid. sigh Peer Pressure... Songs: Anything by Maroon 5 or Gwen Stefani, but especially "Must Get Out", "Sweetest Goodbye" and "She Will Be Loved", (Maroon 5) and "The Sweet Escape" and "The Real Thing" (Gwen Sefani). "Hate Me" and "Into the Ocean" (Blue October) "Amazed" by Lonestar. This has been deemed mine and Chris's song, lol. Fave classes and Hated classes:I LOVE ENGLISH AND CREATIVE WRITING!!!!!! Drama, Culinary Arts...yeah, hate any kind of math...thats basically it. I will be going on to college (where is a question I am still pondering, as many situations have changed) and I will be majoring in Elementary education. So I suppose the classes will change then. P.S. If you have the time, will you please R&R some of my stuff? If you send me an email saying thast you did, I will be sure to return the favor. Also, I have a myspace now: /knowitallnot Visit it for more information about me (and pics) and maybe some more writing in my blog! And if you wanna, send me a friends request! Much love, Lambheadluver (LL) |